THE ONLY WAY FORWARD - for all of us

So there’s a civil war brewing in America, children are being murdered without consequence, a global pandemic, global unrest and rioting, a pending economic collapse, near irreversible climate catastrophe, historic violence, at least 5 separate genocides happening RIGHT NOW and the threat of World War III…

I am sad, frustrated and angry on a level I had only ever experienced once before; during and in the months after the shooting down the hall from my kindergartener’s classroom. (recovery continues to this day)

I am full of rage… we all should be.

The promises of our ‘leaders’ and the empty words of the various ‘cults of personality’ have all led to this moment of complete collective despair.


We have two choices…

1. To lay down, to give up… to call it before the game is even over… maybe to give in to the rage boiling just beneath our surface…


2. To push forward and “leave it all on the field” as we try to mend fences and rebuild bridges… to continue pushing for what we know we need. To continue to build our businesses, to raise our families outside of hate, to teach the next generation to communicate in a way that brings us together and doesn’t grow the current divide. To save it all; TO SAVE THE WORLD.


I will be kicking every obstacle that mistakenly chose to obstruct my momentum square in the face, and you should too.

I will be unrelenting in my pursuit of awesomeness, and you should too.

I will not bend, I will not falter, I will make this world a better place… and you should too.

Aaron AdamsComment