What we wish Elon Musk said instead.

Hold on a second!!!… I thought he was some mega genius carrying humanity into the future?!?

Well, it turns out he’s um… not so much of a great guy. In recent news, Elon made 36 BILLION USD in ONE day… And then proceeded to protest paying taxes (he pays ZERO), and then got into a classic twitter tantrum about ending world hunger.

Either you want to help humanity, or you don’t. Thats it thats the whole point.

Yes this was a clear view into the mind of a narcissistic sociopath… but it was also a GIGANTIC missed opportunity. Here is what Elon should have done instead:

  1. “I want to help everyone and I think my fortune could really help… but maybe we could optimize empathy and philanthropy in a more powerful way…” Then proceed to launch an effort to get ALL of the billionaires to donate billions… all at once… and to do so in a way that bypasses the traditional bottlenecks of corruption amongst governments, warlords and bad players in philanthropy.

  2. “Instead of my 6 Billion dollar donation, how about I spend 1 billion creating a new organization dedicated to solving hunger, climate change, homelessness, and corruption in our systems.”

  3. “Actually my very own brother has created a highly efficient urban farming system… I pledge to spend 1 Billion getting his systems and others like it to the impoverished and hunger stricken regions of the world. And I pledge the remianing 5 billion to creating more sustainable agriculture and food delivery systems for the world. Expect results lat 2022.”

Any of these responses would have had millions pledging to buy a Tesla, buying more stock, looking into his solar tiles, all fo it would have been instantly the most important purchase we could all make. Instead, Im over here wondering if I could get everyone I know to boycott Tesla and spread the word that Elon is an A**hole.

Aaron AdamsComment