Nicenerds is hiring - click here to apply.


Aaron Adams

Father, husband, small business owner and friend. And all the things related to nicenerds.

My family and I live in Roxborough Colorado and try to be outside and in the mountains as often as possible.

I’m proud to be a friend to most everyone I meet, a best friend to many and a positive memory to all.

I’ve been doing this whole web presence thing for a long time (16 years now). At this point I’ve worked on all platforms, am an expert in Photoshop, CSS3, HTML5, WordPress, SquareSpace, Javascript, React, and more.

  • Former VP at a software development company

  • Former Director of Digital Presence at an elite marketing agency

  • Website of the year for

  • Runner up website of the year for

  • Vision award winner at former web and marketing manager role


Maybe you?

Nicenerds is new. And it is being developed into a powerhouse for good ideas based on good ideals. If you can help, and you know deep down that kindness and compassion can be translated into code… then apply to be a part of this movement asap.