What matters in business for 2021/22? (hint: Hope)

Above all else, regardless of what your company does… you must provide hope for the future.

NUMBER 1: A passion for solving big problems that are affecting all of us. ie. the climate crisis, gun violence, rampant corruption, the political and economic division in the US… etc.

NUMBER 2: Proof that you and your company are engaged in partnering with others that are trying to fix big problems. If you are not shoulder to shoulder with an organization fighting for all of us, then you will 100% loose attention and business to competition that is.

NUMBER 3: Creative use of social media. It is not acceptable anymore to simply exist on the web. You have to capture attention and do it in a way that forces the algorithms to show your target demographics your message. (Contact us for expert help with this)

NUMBER 4: HOLD ON TIGHT. Covid has taken its toll, along with the rise in several other ultra negative layers of our current society… undoubtedly businesses will have to adjust and get more aggressively creative to thrive.

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