It's time to end social media as we know it.

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, SnapChat… all of them… deleting something never felt SO good.

Why do we need them again? Seriously consider that question… if your only answer is birthday reminders it should be abundantly clear that this social experiment was a failure.

They’re at the heart of every single negative issue in our world at the moment. Every second they’re either funding evil, motivating insanity or manipulating our minds.
— Aaron Adams

The Social Dilemma highlights how social media has destroyed our mental health and our society in one concentrated effort… even if the scenes with the control room people are terrible. :)

What would it take for you to delete all of the apps? To delete your accounts completely?

I did this very thing after I came to realize the toll it was taking on my mind and overall health… (back now in limited ways (IG and LinkedIN))

Aaron Adams1 Comment